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Sol Pineda

Juicing ~ the way to go, give your family more veggies and drink it slow

Updated: Apr 22, 2020

Have you ever tried juicing? I mean, those magical juices, the "elixir" you sometimes find at a beautiful cool cafe that serves organic and season stuff, but made your yourself!

I remember my dear friend that loved her juicer and making juices for us since we were teens...we would go out till late night, dancing or to a bar, and next morning up with a ginger, lemon, cucumber shot to start the day with a detox. And although sometimes I woke up craving scrambled eggs and avocado toast, having that elixir or a juice, made and squeezed in by her would make my whole "hangover" and day go up :)

Back then I was an adolescent and not aware that much of the benefits of juicing. I have heard some stuff, but it was just starting to become a thing - I had as a child orange juice for a while, though soon enough I started feeling so many oranges where not helping my digestion and morning wellness - so I dropped it for a while.

Time went by and 10 years later, work and joy took me to try by my partner the loveliest, freshest, purest juices I've made.

As a Health Coach I studied the many differences between juicing and smoothing, and believe that each one have their goodness and magic according to each body, moment and goal. As everything that I will propose in this blog, the idea if for you to get in tune with how you feel apart from what you can read, listen or learn. It is however good to know that the best way to have juices is to have them fresh, using the best ingredients and quality possible and as a side complement of vegetables and fruit intake!


• Fast and easy absorption of nutrients • Increased energy levels • Clearer thinking • Glowing eyes and skin • Strong hair and nails • Heightened sense of taste and smell • Strengthened immune system • Improved appetite control • Provides a healthy rest for your digestive system • Health benefits of consuming fruits and vegetables that you wouldn’t normally eat raw or whole

If any of this benefits resonate with your soul and are part of your goals, give it a go! Remember to #GOSLOWGOWITHYOURSOUL and become your own caring, loving guide and support.

For any further information, recipes or consultation please do not hesitate to get in touch today, PM me, email or text.

With love and in health


Sol Pineda 

Your Health Coach 


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