This recipe came out from my inside out when I was doing my first clean the gut program.
When we are cleaning our gut we leave out all sweets and sugars, as that is what usually unbalances the healthy bacteria in our microbiome and feeds up "bad bacteria" that we want to get rid off.
So during the first week or 10 days if you are "crowding out" (a term I love to use during my programs) some foods for others, you might come with a feeling that some sweet or something could really help the process.
This is how this bliss for the gut balls started, Easy, Simple and less than 5 ingredients - Plus, you can do them anytime, you don't need to be on a Cleanse to start creating in your kitchen with healthy, clean ingredients
To make the balls I use:
- 2/3 cup of raw cacao powder (organic if possible, best quality, best choice :)
- 1/3 cup of shredded coconut
- 3 tbsp coconut oil
- 1 tbsp almond butter
- 1 tsp of Stevia or Maple Syrup (not on Clean Programs)
- A dash of vanilla essence
How to make them:
Easy as: mix all ingredients with clean hands in a bowl and integrate together - If you want to add or replace anything do it now. Make small balls and pass them through cacao or coconut if you like or chopped almonds as garnish. Take them to freezer at least 15 minutes and Voila, done and ready to enjoy!
Remember to #COOKWITHSOUL love and mindfulness
With love and in health,
Sol Pineda
Your Health Coach