We've all heard this before right? It sometimes sounds so simple, and yet so far a away from where we feel we are..and that, that is ALL "right", or it just is - part of life.
However, every day we can RE FOCUS, and choose again.
Choosing myself first is the essential step, the Great Door, to loving others.
In order to achieve our highest purpose, to give and to serve our fellow beings of this world, we first need to focus on ourselves
If you don’t love Yourself, then it's hard to truly and widely love others..but then how we do we start when we feel overwhelmed, depleted from energy, maybe somehow on a not so positive and motivating zone?
One great way is by spending time on your own. By yourself. Giving yourself the morning off, or afternoon walks to let go, and let god. To be with yourself without doing or thinking, or planning. just Being. To sit down, and take it slow.
By the simple act of relaxing, we are already nurturing ourselves with love, with a lot of self love. Rest, repairing and sleeping and like saying a big I love you to yourself.
Telling your other half, or daughter, or friend you are going to take the whole morning off - maybe just to stay in bed till late, write notes, journal, read a book and stretch.
And if we are going to talk about relaxation, who doesn't enjoy the rest-fullness of a warm bath with salts and essentials oils or even couple of roses like those balinese to dream of baths - and yet sometimes we keep it like a precious "date" for whenever I have time. Make this time for yourself today, make a list of what makes you happy and not stressed, peaceful and feeling full of life - and choose at least 3 to take on this day off with you.
I know I love those days where I prepare my bath with time, love and intention. Turn off the lights and have some candles illuminate the scene, play some soft chill music or even some healing therapy sounds behind, get some lavender oil, or juniper depending on the occasion - some alkaline water for when thirst calls, a warm towel and robe awaiting outside and might even have a glass of red wine....
Whatever feels good to you, makes you feel connected and in love with yourself, sensual and spiritual, and whole at the same time. Wherever you are today, either is tired, slow, full of energy or accelerated - take this beautiful time to plan, journal, act and choose for yourself first.
If you want to take it a little bit further, I highly recommend adding to your self love empowerment:
Loving Yourself, MIRROR WORK lays out a 21-day program of teachings and exercises to help you deepen your relationship with yourself and live a joyous and fulfilling life. Each of the 21 days is organized around a theme, such as monitoring self-talk, overcoming fear, releasing anger, healing relationships, forgiving self and others, receiving prosperity, and living stress-free. You may visit Louise Hay website for more information https://www.louisehay.com/what-is-mirror-work/
With love and in health
Sol Pineda
Your Health Coach